
Análisis Softonic

Chats de archivo oculto de WhatsApp: Mejorando la privacidad en WhatsApp Web

WhatsAppWeb is a widely-used platform for communication, but it lacks privacy features when it comes to archived chats. The default setting on WhatsApp Web displays archived chats prominently, making it easy for others to see sensitive conversations. Additionally, flashy notifications are shown when new messages arrive in archived chats, drawing attention to your activity.

The "WhatsApp Hidden Archive Chats" extension aims to address this privacy concern by providing a discreet solution. With this extension, the archived chats section is hidden from the top of the chat list, preventing others from easily noticing that you have archived chats. Instead, the functionality is moved to a small icon on the header profile, ensuring that nosy individuals won't be able to detect your archived conversations.

By using this extension, users can enjoy enhanced privacy while using WhatsAppWeb in various settings, such as offices or shared spaces, where screen visibility is a concern. With a more discrete approach to managing archived chats, this extension offers a valuable solution for those seeking to protect their privacy on WhatsAppWeb.

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